Our business decisions are based on a balanced relationship between ecological, social and economic objectives. We endeavour to achieve three-dimensional value creation that encompasses environmental protection, social responsibility and economic success. To ensure compliance with these principles and to realise our commitment, we have built our sustainability concept on three fundamental pillars: Material Donations, Pro Bono Projects and Knowledge Transfer and Sustainability Governance.
Material Donations
The most straightforward way for a non-profit company to make a positive impact is by sharing its financial success with the community. For this reason, Vienesse has committed to donating 5% of the company’s profits to aid organisations every year. Each year, all employees collectively decide which organistions will receive the funds. In addition to monetary donations, we also make our office available to charitable organisations for events or job interviews.
Alongside financial resources, we provide aid organisations with consultants at no cost. In this way, we compensate for capacity shortages at NGOs and bring our knowledge of digital topics directly to the organisations. We have already been able to implement many pro bono projects with our partner organisations, including Digital product development, strategy workshops and donor acquisition.
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NGO project with Viva con Agua: (2022) - Product development "Tap water in restaurants"
In order to analyse the willingness of Austrian citizens to pay for tap water in restaurants, we designed and implemented a market analysis strategy in collaboration with Viva con Agua. The result of this analysis is promising and shows that citizens are very willing to pay money for tap water in restaurants for a good cause.
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NGO project with Viva con Agua: (2022) - "Utilisation of monetary resources" strategy workshop
In order to plan the monetary resources for the financial year and allocate budgets, we developed a strategy workshop for Viva con Agua that answers these very questions. In addition, we prepared and moderated the strategy workshop after taking stock of the status quo.
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NGO project with Viva con Agua (2023) - acquisition and strategy development "Sponsoring"
In order to realise the "Wasserball 2023" event organised by VcA, a wide range of sponsorship was required, including financial donations as well as donations in kind. With the aim of inspiring sponsors for the event, we developed an acquisition strategy as well as the necessary tools to implement it. After the successful acquisition, the desired result could not be achieved, which was mainly due to the short-term planning of the event. Vienesse developed a guideline for a more successful acquisition in the future, so that a targeted and, above all, timely sponsorship acquisition for 2024 can be successful.
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NGO project with Source the humanitarian Network (ongoing)- Acquisition and strategy development "Mentoring"
Following the successful implementation of its project to set up a school with an IT education programme in the Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya), Vienesse is developing a concept for acquiring mentors in order to recruit mentors for students' final projects. Vienesse is responsible for creating a "pitch deck" for the organisation and the mentoring programme.
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NGO project with Wiener Tafel (ongoing) - Digital learning platform for schools "Conscious food handling"
In cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Wiener Tafel receives funding to implement an analogue touring exhibition at schools in Austria. After several previous discussions with Wiener Tafel, Vienesse is creating and integrating an e-learning platform with the content of the travelling exhibition. The digitalised version is to be made available to all food banks and schools in Austria, thereby publicising the topic of conscious food handling to a wider audience.
The 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals guide the objectives and initiatives of our internal sustainability management. All business areas and corporate processes take into account compliance with human rights and labour standards, climate and environmental protection as well as ensuring ethical business conduct. We are continuously deepening and developing our sustainability governance, from strategic topics to operational implementation and anchoring it in our corporate culture, and aim to promote the long-term equalisation of economic, environmental and social goals. Regular sustainability assessments focus on potential for improvement and areas for action.
We are very pleased that Vienesse Consulting has been supporting Viva con Agua Austria pro bono through strategic consulting since autumn 2021.
The cooperation is uncomplicated, joyful and above all effective. After a short time, we have already implemented the first topics together and can thus achieve our goal - Water for All - even better.
Viva con Agua Austria
New Impulses
At Vienesse, we strive to continuously improve and contribute to a more sustainable future. We are always open to new ideas and impulses to further advance our efforts towards sustainability. We are therefore happy to receive suggestions, proposals or ideas that support these endeavours. The team around our contact person is the driving force behind our sustainability initiatives and is passionate about bringing about positive change. Because we firmly believe that only together we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future.
If you have any questions about our initiatives, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your contact for sustainability at Vienesse: